typography // pre-press prep // print design // editorial layouts // photography // dynamic web design & graphics // e-commerce shopping-cart setup // // video production // wordpress® online blog setup // flash animation graphics // interface design // abstract artwork // logo design/corporate identity // marketing & advertising consultation

 rm_vimeo  facebook-logo-f-sqaure    LinkedIn_logo_initials    twitter1      

Currently in his 14th year working with digital graphics, Marek Piecyk has touched many different areas within the design/advertising field. He has experience in working with magazine publications, marketing & advertising agencies, school educational production/development, photography, video production (pre/post), business identity development, electronic hardware advertising, pre-press optimization, mobile digital publication development, mobile video optimization, and much more.
Marek always keeps learning the latest tools of the trade, and thus makes sure to get adequate time in using the latest software to keep up with the newest features to make workflow more efficient. Professional development has always been very high on his list of things to maintain within this industry; things change quite fast with the speed of technology in this day and age.
M.Piecyk Photography & Design’s professional graphic design experience provides all customers with complete web, print, identity, animation, consultation and audio/video development services. M.Piecyk Photography & Design is customer focused from the sketch/outline stage through completion. We are always looking for new ways of enhancing your business or organization’s identity through our complete print, graphic design, and web services. We aim to deliver designs higher then your expectations.
M.Piecyk Photography & Design’s main focus is to achieve 100% satisfaction from his clients. Contact Marek if you’re interested in getting a quote on a project you might have in mind.


“You do fantastic work.”  – Larry Mylander The Carmel Pine Cone

“Tom showed the D’Orge [artwork] to Peter and me…all I can say is WOW! I can just imagine what all the banner are going to look like when they get done….as you say “Awesome Sauce!!!” It is true joy to work with you [Marek]…I feel as if I have made a true friend!” – Tim Blomgren Centennial Celebration Parade

Note: All artwork on this site is Copyright protected. Any use without permission is strictly prohibited, and legal actions will take place if so. Please use our contact information if you would like to use any artwork for personal or business use, so we can discuss usage rights.